September 18, 2009

Nobody Knows...

Pictures about : them

These pictures puzzled me and it reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki's work, of the film Nobody Knows and of something so beautiful often neglected. This is full of life, this is beautiful...every each of them as a character of their own.

(Note: The photos were not taken by me, and the location is at Pattaya, Thailand.)


iwantstrawberrycheesecakeatSaffron said...

:) :) :)

oui mils said...

will buy you cake, bakery girl! ;):P

everglade said...

can i have some seremban siew pau?

oui mils said...

i'm sorry sir, there's no seremban siew pao at Saffron, would you like some betik? lol

everglade said...

actually yes i'd like some papaya. i'll be booking on behalf of my boss from the 16th floor... have to hantar to him later...