January 20, 2009


Hello, here are some pictures of stray cats I would like to share, those are the cats I've met along the way...they're truly magical.

Anyway, the first picture is not a stray cat. This is my cat, Polat the naughty girl. I adopted her 2 months plus ago. She is a real cutie but untouchable. This girl likes to claw and bite...lol
So far, living with me...she has become a little bit obedient by now. Usually, she is a hyperactive playful big kitten who doesn't wants to grow up. She is good at revenging people, hunting and play with my decorative which drives me nuts. What a notorious calico tortoiseshell...! lol

Besides that, she is attracted by the sound of whistle, she loves bird-watching at the balcony and collecting insects from nowhere...(I always pray that it's not a cockroach..gross!)
Alright I guess that's it about Polat.


oui mils said...

Kiko Polat

oui mils said...

Hahahaha Kiko Polat Nyeeeeeeeeeee!!!

oui mils said...

she is my 'moving meat floss' at home...

oui mils said...

Happy Chinese New Year, Polat!!
Never knew that you'll be a shy kitty at rumah Kak Ain! lol Awwwww... I miss you very much actually eventhough you're such a notty girl. I'll see you soon Polat-chan!